Thursday, June 21, 2019
Eleven teams of Untar students who passed for Kompetisi Bisnis Mahasiswa
Indonesia (KBMI) received an award from the Directorate of Students Affairs and
Alumni (DITMAWA) in collaboration with Untar Career. The award was handed over
at the Untar Campus on Thursday (6/21).
Kompetisi Bisnis Mahasiswa Indonesia (KBMI) is an annual activity that aims to
increase the number of students who are interested in entrepreneurship. This activity
is carried out by submitting a proposal to the Kemenristekdikti, which will later be
selected to receive the funds.
This activity was opened with opening speech by Director of Students Affairs and
Alumni Dr. Adianto., M.Sc. He said that students can reach their achievement as
high as possible and Untar is ready to provide incentives that students can be
actively involved. Untar is also pro-active and very welcome to activities like this.
The award was given to the representatives of each team and the mentor lecturer
that attends today.
Hopefully positive activities like this can be used well by Untar students in order to
develop themselves and lead Untar to a higher level.